The Value of Colour – Middle ground & full range


Price is in Canadian dollars. Approximate equivalents: USD11.50; GBP8.50; EUR10.00; AUD15.50; ZAR200

This is the third e-booklet in a three-booklet graphite series dealing with the key relationship between colour and value. It is about the important role of midtones that ensure the smooth transition from highlights to shadows and follows the previous two e-booklets on pale and dark values respectively.

This e-booklet continues with methods of testing contemporary pencil offerings in the pursuit of the broadest range of values possible. The high degree of realism in botanical art demands intense observation and expression of the full value range in every plant study.

As you delve into this e-booklet you will understand how it brings everything together for observing and interpreting a full range of values for an enhanced dimension to your work.

To complete the value focus of the series, this third 44-page e-booklet is packed with information and tips that include:

  • How to observe midtone values in terms of naturally-occurring colour—most especially red hues, green hues, and neutrals.
  • How midtones are the essential connection between highlight and shadow areas.
  • How to test your favourite brands and new options in graphite to secure midtone values.
  • Images and explanations of techniques to achieve smooth continuous tones from light to midtone to dark values.
  • Explanations by well-known graphite artists, including their own individual tips and techniques.